Why would Sellers Choose to Sell Off Market?

Property owners sell real estate properties off market for many different reasons. Some go off-market for privacy reason some don’t want to prepare for open houses, some have so much equity that they aren’t looking for top dollars.

“I don’t want to clean up my home and get ready for open houses.”

“I bought my property for $100k and it’s now worth $1.20M, selling for an extra $20k doesn’t really mean anything to me.”

“I don’t want to pay the buyer’s agent’s commission.”

“I am very conscious about privacy. I don’t want anyone from the public to nose around the home I currently live in. Only buyers vetted by my real estate agent are allowed to come through.”

How to Purchase Off Market Real Estate? Step 1

Although off-market properties don’t receive as much exposure as on-market properties, you still need to know about them first? Fill out the form below to be the first to know any off-market opportunities we have!

Step 2

You better be ready – financially, emotionally and psychologically. Off-market doesn’t mean competition-free. There are many buyers in our network and the off-market opportunities can go any time! Don’t think you are the only buyer out there, because you aren’t.

Step 3

Make an offer with as few contingency as possible. Whether on-market or off-market sellers, they don’t like contingency. Work with us to discuss what the seller is looking for and really craft your offer for the seller’s needs.

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