September 2020

San Francisco Bay Area Market August 2020 Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market August 2020 Update

As we roll into September, the bay area August sales data continue last month's trend - single families are selling higher and seller while condos are selling lower and lower. There is nothing too interesting going on. In the same period, a single family listing may get 30 showings in 3 days of hitting market while a condo only gets 1 showing for the first two weeks. Condo owners are struggling between...

Wildfire Season

Real Estate Listings and Market Value During Wildfire Season

Thousands of dry lightning sparked new fires across California in the recent weeks, causing hundreds of homes and properties burning around the San Francisco Bay Area. The devastating fires from North, South, and East of San Francisco scorched a total of 780 square miles that destroyed more than 500 structures and killed more than 5 people. Burning conditions aggravated by bone-dry winter in Northern...

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