September 2022

Arbitration Clause in Residential Lease Agreements Now Void in California

Arbitration is an alternative for dispute resolution, but that’s about to change in California. Arbitration is a procedure that allows two parties to resolve disputes without going to court. Instead, concerned parties will involve a neutral third party called an arbitrator.  It is the arbitrator who will then make a recommendation or ruling based on the documents and evidence presented.  What is...

Emotional Support Animals And Landlord Rights in California

Dogs are the most frequent ESA A growing awareness As American society becomes more aware of the prevalence of mental health issues, new treatment options to alleviate those ailments have appeared. Many are pharmaceutical, but some treatments rely on adding elements to the patient’s daily life experience.  Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are an example of non-pharmaceutical treatment for mental...

What is the future of the American garage?

California’s Transition To Electric Vehicles And The Future Of Your Home’s Garage

California leads the nation Our state is leading the nation again! The state enacted legislation banning the sale of gas-powered cars and trucks after 2035. The motivation of this law is to reduce the emission of gasses that contribute to climate change.  We expect many other states to follow California in this monumental change. The implications for supply chains, retail commerce, and housing...

San Francisco Bay Area Market September 2022 Update

A new normal It's undeniable that the real estate market has been through a very abnormal period since the pandemic started. The graph below shows the % change in pending sales every month from Jan 2018 to Aug 2022. You see a big dip in April of 2020 when the stay-at-home order was implemented. You also see the pending sales dwindling as the interest rate started to rise in 2022. The Bay Area...

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