
Things That Can Kill Rental Property Profits

Almost every landlord is into the real estate business to earn more income. However, there is no guarantee that you will make more money once you own a rental property. The amount of income you can generate from your rental property depends on how you manage it. Although real estate is among the most lucrative businesses, several things can kill rental property profit and destroy your source of income....

5 Ways Construction Projects Go Wrong – Not Seeing the “Small Pictures”

If you have been shopping around for contractors for your remodeling project, you must have come across some "big picture" contractors. Essentially, they promise they can deliver the bathroom you want as long as you "point and show" them the layout. "I have done so many projects; I get the big picture," they'll say. However, few contractors want you to think in "small pictures." Let me explain. You...

5 Ways Construction Projects Go Wrong – Not Breaking Down the Big Number

Many of my real estate clients want to renovate or modify their homes to their own liking. In addition to being experts in real estate, we pride ourselves on the depth of our construction and design knowledge. Starting a home renovation is a monumental task. You’re likely not a construction expert, so you can be at a major disadvantage when dealing with contractors. They speak their own language, and...

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