March 2024

San Francisco Bay Area Market March 2024 Insight

February Sales Surge Signals Hot Market Ahead February's closed sales painted a significantly more active picture compared to the same period in 2023. Across 7 out of 9 Bay Area counties, sales volume surged by over 20% compared to last year. Anticipation of lower mortgage rates in 2024, and consequently higher home prices, has buyers eager to enter the market. While this month's numbers may be somewhat...

Enhancing Safety: Conducting a Spring Clean in Your Rental Home

As the days grow longer and the weather begins to warm, many of us are inspired to embark on the time-honored tradition of spring cleaning. While the primary goal of this annual ritual is often to declutter and refresh our living spaces, it's also an excellent opportunity to enhance the safety and security of your rental home. With safety in mind, here are some essential tips for conducting a spring clean...

Navigating Tax Season 2024: Essential Guide for California Landlords

The famous adage goes, "Nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes." As we march steadily into Tax Season 2024, California landlords must prepare adequately for the inevitable property ownership and rental tax responsibilities. Tax season can be daunting, especially for those new to renting out property or those who haven't kept meticulous records throughout the year. However, with proper...

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