February 2017

5 Things to Avoid if You Plan to Sell Your Home

When you're preparing your home to go on the real estate market, every decision you make can affect how much profit you ultimately put in your pocket. Avoid these four common mistakes that can make your home less desirable to buyers and drain dollars from your profit.   1. Don't turn off your irrigation system to save money. This move is penny wise but pound foolish. Turn it on instead. A lush,...

5 Ways Construction Projects Go Wrong – Not Breaking Down the Big Number

Many of my real estate clients want to renovate or modify their homes to their own liking. In addition to being experts in real estate, we pride ourselves on the depth of our construction and design knowledge. Starting a home renovation is a monumental task. You’re likely not a construction expert, so you can be at a major disadvantage when dealing with contractors. They speak their own language, and...

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