Real Estate Investment Turned into a Minimum Wage Nightmare

John is a full-time marketer in a mid-size company.

He bought a condominium soon after he started working.

As time went by, John got married, outgrew his condo and moved into a single-family home.

His career was taking off and family life was flourishing. John thought it’d be a good idea to rent out the condo. “How hard can it be to rent out a condo? After all, I am in advertising. ”

John started posting ads and soon he received multiple inquiries a day. What he did not anticipate was the endless game of phone tag. Tenants like to call when John was tied up. Every chance he could call them back was the time these tenants weren’t answering.

Meanwhile, John’s boss took note of all of his time on the phone as John has been chasing tenants for 6 weeks but to no avail.

At last, a prospective tenant called back and wanted to see the rental on the same day. John was shopping with his family on a weekend. He had no choice but to leave and meet with the tenant. He rushed to the condo as fast as he could to make it on time.  An hour passed by, yet the prospect has not shown up. John went home only to meet an upset family.

Week after week, he missed recitals and dinners for rental showings. He felt that he was no longer in control. After counting the hours he spent, he realized that renting out the condo on his own was not INVESTING, but rather, WORKING a minimum wage job. 

John knew he would get into trouble with both work and family if this went on. He needed a way out.

While searching online, John stumbled onto The Cal Agents Property Management’s Yelp page. Upon reading the great experience others had, he decided to hire The Cal Agents. In just 2 weeks, they found him a well-qualified tenant.  If only John had hired the CAL agents from the start, he could’ve been receiving his 2nd month of rent by now.

The secret? The Cal Agents has dedicated staff to answer inquiries, manage scheduling, automatic system to remind tenants before appointments and professional showing agent to accommodate tenant’s most unreasonable schedule.

John is now enjoying weekends with his family while rent shows up in his bank every month. THAT is real estate investing. No need to do get into the nitty-gritty of the time-consuming tenant-selection nitty-gritty. Call the Cal Agents today!

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