There is no doubt that home ownership requires much maintenance and care. After all, you do spend an abundance of your spare time in your nest. This is where memories are created, where laughter is born, where most people share the most private of conversations. What if that is violated?
Do you ever wonder what happens to your home once you leave your sanctuary? Curious as to what happened to your package left on your front porch? If safety and peace of mind are on the top of your list, you may want to consider installing a home security system. But, where do you start? What is the best choice for you and your family? The market is penetrated with gadgets and new systems. Should you go with a DIY system? Or a more sophisticated on installed by a professional?
Luckily, our friends over at shared some important research and advice with us. They have compiled a comprehensive list to building your own home security system. Their researchers broke down the pros and cons of more expensive, professional systems and cheaper DIY options to show that there is protection for any budget. They analyzed everything from motions sensors to window and door alarms. Take a gander to help decide which is best for you and let us know what you think! Happy hunting!