housing market

San Francisco Bay Area Market August 2021 Update

"August is like the Sunday of Summer." -- Kelly Dwyer Growing up, I didn't particularly like Sundays because it meant that the next day will be Monday--a school day. Now, as an adult, I love Sundays! I get to spend time with my wife and daughter. Then, the next day, my week resets and I get to start a new week with new goals. The same goes for August and the housing market, despite the pandemic, it...

San Francisco Bay Area Market July 2021 Update

We are already halfway through summer! I'm here to bring you an update on June's market activity. Inventory Trend First of all, let's check the inventory trend. According to the data collected by the California Association of Realtors, the Bay Area housing inventory is hitting an all time low at 1.4 months of supply in June. You may notice that the Bay Area inventory has always been low compared to the...

San Francisco Bay Area Market June 2021 Update

California has officially re-opened! We saw a lot of ups and downs this past year and the housing market was no different. Now that it is summer time, are you staying in town to shop for a new house or joining the crowd for some "revenge travel"? For those of you who chose to stay in town to shop for your next property, I think it's critical to remind everyone of the common real estate agent practice of...

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