
San Francisco Bay Area Market September 2022 Update

A new normal It's undeniable that the real estate market has been through a very abnormal period since the pandemic started. The graph below shows the % change in pending sales every month from Jan 2018 to Aug 2022. You see a big dip in April of 2020 when the stay-at-home order was implemented. You also see the pending sales dwindling as the interest rate started to rise in 2022. The Bay Area...

San Francisco Bay Area Market August 2022 Update

July is the first month in the recent ten years when all counties median home prices dropped compared to the previous month. In June's data, Solano was the only one that managed to maintain a 1.5% gain Is the economy in recession? The technical answer is yes. It's a widely accepted standard that when the GPD shrinks for two consecutive quarters, it's considered a recession. Why? Why? The answer has...

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