August 2019

5 Tips On How To Select The Right Type of Home for You, Your Spouse and Elderly Parents

Being married is a whole new stage in life. Unlike most romantic comedies that end with the wedding, in real life, it is just the start of a whole lot of adventure for couples. After getting over with the ceremonies, what most newlyweds usually endeavor is finding a new house where they can settle down and fulfill their dream of having a happy family. Buying that dream house is probably the first major...

san francisco condos

Myth: San Francisco condos yield higher return than East Bay’s

Yes, it’s true. The Bay Area’s housing market is extremely competitive. While all of the news outlets are talking about how unaffordable it is with an emphasis on the severity of the current homeless crisis, it's common for homebuyers to perceive San Francisco city as a market where properties appreciate the fastest. Is this really true? Let’s think again. A friend referred a Real Estate buyer...

Tired of Same Old California? Then It’s Time to Experience Emeryville!

If somebody arranges the cities in California according to their impact on tourists, Emeryville won’t be anywhere near the top spot. As a small city located in Northwest Alameda County, travelers might consider exploring other nearby cities like Berkeley and Oakland instead of staying in Emeryville. But Emeryville holds many magical spots once you experience its beauty. It houses some attractions that...

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