Market Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market June 2021 Update

California has officially re-opened! We saw a lot of ups and downs this past year and the housing market was no different. Now that it is summer time, are you staying in town to shop for a new house or joining the crowd for some "revenge travel"? For those of you who chose to stay in town to shop for your next property, I think it's critical to remind everyone of the common real estate agent practice of...

San Francisco Bay Area Market May 2021 Update

The first day of the summer solstice for this year will be on Sunday 6/20, which happens to coincide with Father's Day. As we approach the official summer date, here's how the Bay Area housing market is looking. As prices continue to climb 10%, 20% and even 30% year over year, many of you may wonder if the housing market is ticking timebomb like in 2006. My take on this is, no it's not. First-time...

San Francisco Bay Area Market April 2021 Update

If you are in the market for a home in the bay area, you are definitely one of the better offs. As prices continue to climb, a bright prospect of more and more of the economy opening up, this year's Spring housing market is expected to be quite hot. Data from In California alone, one interesting fact (as noted in the chart above) is that the higher price segments are seeing a much higher...

San Francisco Bay Area Market February 2021 Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market March 2021 Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market March 2021 Update With the daylight saving spring forward and the warmer weather, it definitely feels like we are out of the winter season completely. The real estate numbers seem to reflect the same. Sales volumes and prices are up in almost all counties in the Greater Bay Areas with just a few exceptions. Listings are still flying off the shelves and they are going...

Jan 2021 Market Update

2021 Bay Area Real Estate Market Prediction

It's the time of year when everyone is looking for some housing market prediction of 2021. Instead of the monthly market update, I'm throwing the boring numbers aside and want to write about my 2021 real estate market prediction. If you are so addicted to monthly number, you can still find the January sales number at the bottom of this post. Many Realtors like to draw from recent market experience and...

San Francisco Bay Area Market December 2020 Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market December 2020 Update

"Winter is coming" no longer carries the same chill as it did as Jon Snow famously said it in Game of Thornes. This winter, the real estate market is not cold at all, at least not for single family homes. Our clients took a short break during the Christmas-New Year and came right back into house hunting in new supply of homes trickle into the market. Single family homes continue to go pending after one...

Current Sales & Price Statistics November 2020

San Francisco Bay Area Market November 2020 Update

Do people still care about winter real estate prices? Well, the data shows that people do, as evidenced by the fact that you are also reading this post. Let's dive into the numbers. Various markets' prices are holding up from October, while most markets saw a drop in sales quantity. This is a sign of seller retreat rather than a surge in buyer demand. Given most markets saw anywhere between 28% to 50%...

October 2020 Market Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market October 2020 Update

Looking at the home prices of October, it's as if bay area home buyers weren't deterred by the uncertainty of presidential election. Median home prices generally see a substantial increase from 5% to 17% year-to-year, consistent with the previous month's. In terms of the winter inventory, California Association of Realtors reported the demand outpaced the supply across all regions of California. In...

San Francisco Bay Area Market September 2020 Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market September 2020 Update

We are set to expect a warmer than normal winter for the real estate market. Traditionally, real estate activities in the November, December and January months are about 1/4 of the normal months. This year is different. Based on the September and the other forward looking indicator, we expecting the winter months to have 50%-60% more listings than previous year. If you are in the market this winter, you...

San Francisco Bay Area Market August 2020 Update

San Francisco Bay Area Market August 2020 Update

As we roll into September, the bay area August sales data continue last month's trend - single families are selling higher and seller while condos are selling lower and lower. There is nothing too interesting going on. In the same period, a single family listing may get 30 showings in 3 days of hitting market while a condo only gets 1 showing for the first two weeks. Condo owners are struggling between...

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